Tuesday 27 August 2013

Working of Hydraulic Cylinder

A hydraulic cylinder is a mechanical motor which is used to provide unidirectional force through unidirectional stroke. It is highly used in the construction industry, manufacturing machinery and civil engineering. These are used to push or lift heavy objects as they are designed with larger diameters. These are the steel tube, rod and other parts holding it together, making it powerful to lift and push the heavy weighed objects.

It works on the same an old principle: F= P x A
Where, F= Force, P= Pressure and A= Area
The amount of pressure exerted on anything increases in force as the area of the object increases. If you put 1 pound of pressure on a 1 inch object, you get 1 pound of pressure. If you put 1 pound of pressure on 2 inches, you get 2 pounds per square inch.

So, the larger the cylinder piston, the more lifting (or pushing) it can do.
The PISTON is the part inside the cylinder that the fluid pushes against. The diameter of the cylinder piston is called the BORE. The larger bore cylinders have more force exerted upon them, therefore a higher lifting capacity. The hydraulic fluid is contained by the piston seal. That’s why a cylinder with a defective piston seal will not lift as much as it should. Even though the cylinder may not be leaking on the outside, a damaged piston seal will allow oil to bypass the piston, so the pressure will not reach the required level to do the lifting that is expected.

The ROD (or shaft) of the cylinder is the part that travels through the GLAND (or head) of the cylinder and attaches the piston to the end fitting (usually a clevis, cross-tube or tang). The diameter & hardness of the rod are important because the further out it is extended; the more “side-load” is exerted on it, increasing the risk of bending. That’s why higher pressure cylinders have stronger rods, so that if they are lifting a heavier load they are less likely to bend. This is commonly known in the industry as COLUMN LOAD. Welded hydraulic cylinders typically have an “induction-hardened” rod, which is harder to bend.

The STROKE is the difference fully retracted length and the fully extended length of the rod. This is the total travel of the cylinder.

The BUTT is the base (or cap) of the cylinder. On tie-rod cylinders it is a separate piece that also has an o-ring seal, which is a point of potential leaks. On welded cylinders, it is welded to the hydraulic cylinder tube, so no seal is required.

The GLAND (or head) of the cylinder is part of the cylinder that the piston rod travels through. The rod seal is contained inside the gland and is the most common cause of cylinder leaks, since it is exposed to the elements and is in-charge of removing debris from the rod as it retracts into the body of the cylinder.

Some cylinders are made single-acting (push under pressure, gravity return), but most are double-acting which means that the piston is under pressure on both the push and pull side of the cycle. Double-acting cylinders can be easily used in single-acting applications, because a breather fitting can be fitted in the unused port to allow air to be displaced on that side.

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